The Sibling Connection
When it comes to our siblings, we often think of sibling rivalry. But the sibling connection
is much more. It is mysterious, complex, and constantly changing. Our siblings are major
players in our lives and impact everything from our choice of profession to our choice of
a husband, wife, or partner. Siblings are reflections of ourselves and help us better understand
who we are, why we are, and the way we are.
After writing about my brother’s suicide, I figured that I’d put all the sibling stuff behind me. No chance. Several years later, I returned to the subject of brothers and sisters because I still had so many questions about the role we play in each other’s lives from childhood through old age. I wanted to understand the ways in which I am who I am because of my siblings—and, yes, why they are the way they are. I wanted to explore the pros and cons of being an only child. I was curious about whether or not birth order is more accurate than not. So many questions. Thanks to hundreds of other siblings and experts in the field, I found answers that I wanted to share.
“Sensitively written, valuable.” – Publisher’s Weekly
“A thoughtful addition to a growing field of interest.” – Booklist
Jane Mersky Leder doesn’t read self-help books when times get tough. She writes them.” – Sally Ruth Bourrie, Chicago Magazine
“Every dynamic of the “longest relationship we will every have” is in this beautifully written book. The author even takes us into the world of the “only child” with some astonishing findings. I actually found it hard to put down, and I almost never say this about non-fiction.” – Vintage Lady
“Fascinating look at a subject that affects everyone, whether or not you have siblings. Leder’s analysis of sibling relationships is insightful, helpful and sometimes surprising. Her wry, open, direct style of writing makes this book a great read. Strongly recommended.” – Susan Hepker
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Publication Date: November 22, 2015
Print Length: 96 pages
@ 2020 Jane Leder